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the Hyrax Game

What is the Hyrax Game?

In the Hyrax Game, players take simultaneous turns moving around their personal player board to interact with different zoo enclosures, searching for the escaped hyraxes.

At each enclosure, players can use time preparing exhibits (completing minigames) for bonus hyraxes. Additionally, players can find hyraxes hidden around the map, and gain hyraxes for the total distance they travel throughout the zoo.

Don’t forget to make use of the hyrax tunnels to quickly travel between different parts of the map.

The player with the most hyraxes after 15 minutes (15 turns) wins!

The Hyrax Game takes place over 15 turns. Each represents one minute of in-game time. When 15 minutes are up, the zoo opens!

Before the game begins, roll the 5 white dice once. All players will use this same roll for set-up.

Each player selects 4 numbers and writes them in the 4 blank bubbles scattered around their player board. These numbers are permanent.

The number on the remaining die is the location of each player’s Star Hyrax. Draw a small star in the upper right corner of the board location with the matching number. This is your zoo’s famous Hyrax, and he’s worth 4 Hyraxes at the end of the game!

Now that you’ve noted your star Hyrax, you can begin the Hyrax Game! Each turn is broken into three phases:

Note: Turns are taken simultaneously. Because of this, there is no player limit, beyond who can see the dice!

One player rolls all 5 white dice (or all 6 dice if the Red Die has been unlocked by 1 or more players).
To keep it fair, a different player can roll the dice each turn, rotating clockwise. You can also designate one player to roll the dice every turn to make it more convenient for larger player counts.

Simultaneously, every player selects dice to use this turn. To do so, simply write the number showing on the dice you intend to use (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) into the column for this turn, indicated by the number at the top of the turn chart. 

Note: Each player selects their own dice. Yours might be the same or different compared to everyone else.

As soon as one player finishes Prov. 30:26, the Red Die is unlocked for all players. Anyone with Prov. 30:26 unlocked records the Red Die for free in the designated spot. Everyone else can select it as normal, effectively giving them one more option to choose from.

See Enclosure Minigames for how to unlock Prov. 30:26.

Simultaneously, every player will use the numbers they selected to make game actions. Each time you use a number, cross it off from your personal turn chart. Each selected number will only be used once.

There are 2 ways to use your numbers;

You can move your pawn to any circle adjacent to that pawn, connected by a straight or dotted line. To do so, you must cross off numbers of your personal turn chart exactly equal to the circle you wish to move to.

Each time you move to a space you haven’t been before, indicate that by crossing off the circle. At the end of the game, you will score points for each space you’ve travelled to. There is no limit to the number of times you can move per turn, so long as you have the selected dice to do so.

You may also invest your time into attracting the Hyraxes with some amenities that you know they appreciate. Each of these amenities will be worth points at the end of the game, or can help you in your quest to find more Hyraxes!

You can interact with any of the enclosures adjacent to your player pawn.

Most of the enclosure minigames give you a different number of Hyraxes for filling out ALL of their boxes. These numbers are at the bottom of the player board to help you strategize.

You can only fill in enclosure minigames if your player pawn is adjacent to that enclosure. At most, you will have access to two different enclosures at a time (out of four). Every spot on the board has access to at least one enclosure, except the two lookout points at the top left and the bottom right of the park.

Hyraxes use designated urine spots amongst their rocks. They use the same location so often that it fossilizes into a tower called a “midden,” which can reach up to 2 m tall! Attract the Hyraxes who need to use the restroom, by setting up their urine spot.

You must fill this minigame in with 5 of the same number (any number), twice. Fill in the numbers from left to right. You can fill in both 5 of a kinds at the same time, without completing either one.

When you fill out one row completely (with 5 of the same number), you will earn a Free Dice Box. You can do this twice, once for the top row and once for the bottom row. At the end of the game, if you filled out the entire box, you earn 2 Hyraxes.

Did you know that hyraxes are most closely related to elephants and manatees? Set up a Hyrax Family Reunion with their much larger cousins!

Start this track at the top left, and fill in boxes down the pathway. There are rewards scattered along this track, including Free Dice Boxes and Bonus Hyraxes. At the end of the game, if you filled out the entire box, you earn 12 Hyraxes.

Remember: The numbers in the box MUST add up to exactly 105. Otherwise you will not earn those last 12 Hyraxes. Aim for an average of 3.5 per box. One option is to add a 6 and a 1, a 5 and a 2, or a 4 and a 3 for every two squares.

Hyraxes find their homes amongst the crags and crevices. Set up a new crevice to attract more Hyraxes.

Fill in this track from left to right. At the end of the game, if you filled out the entire box, you earn 5 Hyraxes. Remember: The numbers in the box MUST add up to exactly 40. Otherwise you earn no Hyraxes.

Hint: Aim for an average of 5 per box. If you can’t use all fives, just offset 6s with 4s, or use combinations to reach that goal of 40!

Those who are feeble in size, yet demonstrate wisdom in their ways, are to be admired. Use your own wisdom to make more out of every minute in the park and beyond.

You can cross off the numbers in any order. Once you have fully completed the box, you unlock the use of the Red 1Die. The Red Die is rolled along with the white dice for the rest of the game. All players that have unlocked Prov. 30:26 can write down the Red Die’s value in the designated spot in the top right of the score card. They can do this for free, before selecting their white dice for the turn.

Note: All players can select the Red Die’s number as one of their set dice picks for that turn, but they do not get it for ‘free.’ Effectively, it gives everyone more options, but not more numbers (unless you have completed Prov. 30:26).

Hyraxes are not a mighty people, yet they make their homes in the cliffs;

Prov 30:26, CSB

God protects his creations, large and small. While goats climb across mountaintops and birds amongst the trees, He will provide you with safe passage through the “Hyrax Tunnels.”

You can cross off the numbers in any order. Once you have fully completed the box, you unlock the Hyrax Tunnels. !

Once you’ve unlocked the Hyrax Tunnels, you may travel between any of them as if there were a direct line connecting the circles. There are 4 Hyrax Tunnels scattered around the outskirts of the map for you to find! From any one of them, you can access the other 3. Note: You can utilize the Hyrax Tunnels the same turn you unlock them, if you still have enough numbers to move.

High in the mountains live the wild goats, and the rocks form a refuge for the hyraxes.

Psalm 104:18, NLT

Rock Hyraxes have a poorly developed internal temperature regulation. They spend several hours a day sunbathing to keep warm.

You can cross off the numbers in this minigame in any order. At the end of the game, you will earn a Bonus Hyrax for each row you filled out completely. Additionally, you will earn 3 Hyraxes for filling out the entire box.

Hyraxes live off of a diet of leafy greens, fruit, insects, lizards, and bird eggs. Attract some Hyraxes by setting up a feast of their favorite food!

Fill in this track from left to right. At the end of the game, if you filled out the entire box, you earn 4 Hyraxes. Remember: The numbers in the box MUST add up to exactly 16. Otherwise you earn no Hyraxes.

Note: Leafy Greens use lower numbers than Hyrax Crevices or organizing their family reunion. I aim to have an average of 2 in every square. Or you can try making sure that 1s are accompanied by 3s!

Check for bonuses from any square that you have filled out. They could be a Free Dice Box, or a Hyrax Tunnel!

Whenever you cross off or fill in a square with the Free Dice Box symbol on it, immediately select a Free Dice Box at the top of your player board to unlock.

At any time, you can use numbers from Free Dice Boxes that you’ve unlocked the same way you use your selected dice each turn. Cross them off and place them in minigames, or cross them off for movement around the board.

Bonus Hyraxes are worth 2 Hyraxes each. They are located around the board and given out as rewards in enclosure minigames.

If you’ve unlocked Psalm 104:18, you gain access to Hyrax tunnels. For the rest of the game, you can travel between the marked circles as if they had direct lines between them. Simply cross off the necessary numbers from your personal turn chart and teleport across the map.

As soon as one player finishes Prov. 30:26, the Red Die is unlocked for all players. Anyone with Prov. 30:26 unlocked records the Red Die for free in the designated spot. Everyone else can select it as normal, effectively giving them one more option to choose from.

See Enclosure Minigames for how to unlock Prov. 30:26.

After the Turn Completion Phase of the 15th turn, the game is over.

Bonus Hyraxes are worth 2 Hyraxes each. They are located around the board and given out as rewards in enclosure minigames.

Each blue space with a star next to it also counts as a Bonus Hyrax (unless it was your selected Star Hyrax).

If you found all 5 Big Hyraxes (by visiting those spaces around the board), you earn 15 Hyraxes. You must find all five or they will break out again to find their remaining friends, and will be worth 0.

Each player selected one circle to be their Star Hyrax for this game. If you found your Star Hyrax by visiting that space, you earn 4 Hyraxes. 

Most of the enclosure minigames give you a different number of Hyraxes for filling out ALL of their boxes. These numbers are at the bottom of the player board to help you strategize. See Prepare Exhibits (Minigames) for some strategies on how to complete these minigames.

If you set up an entire urine spot, you will receive a Free Dice Box. And if you set up both, then two more Hyraxes will show up to take advantage of their new restroom! Earn 2 Hyraxes for completing both rows from left to right.

Two Bonus Hyraxes will show up for each new field prepped. Several more will show up if they see their friends basking in the warmth. Additionally, you will earn 3 Hyraxes for filling out the entire box.

Setting up an enclosure for the Hyrax cousins is going to be tricky in the minutes you have! But the Hyraxes will notice your effort and come by over time. Four bonus hyraxes show up throughout your preparation. Once it’s complete, you will earn an additional 12 Hyraxes.

Remember: The numbers in the box MUST add up to exactly 105. Otherwise, the 12 Hyraxes will not show up.

A few Hyraxes are quite hungry after their escapades. Set up their meal of leafy greens to attract one bonus hyrax, and more once you’re finished. At the end of the game, if you filled out the entire box, you earn 4 Hyraxes.

Remember: The numbers in the box MUST add up to exactly 16. Otherwise the 4 Hyraxes will not show up.

Build a new home for some Hyraxes. One bonus Hyrax will visit before its even completed! Fill in this track from left to right. At the end of the game, if you filled out the entire box, you earn 5 Hyraxes.

Remember: The numbers in the box MUST add up to exactly 40. Otherwise those 5 Hyraxes will not show up.

Count the total number of circles you traveled to. These translate to the number of Hyraxes found, according to the following conversion:

Hyraxes Found

15 spaces visited


2 Hyraxes

20 spaces visited


3 Hyraxes

25 spaces visited


5 Hyraxes

30 spaces visited


7 Hyraxes

35 spaces visited


9 Hyraxes

40 spaces visited


12 Hyraxes

45 spaces visited


15 Hyraxes

50 spaces visited


20 Hyraxes

Add the total number of Hyraxes found around the park to the rest of your bonuses and…

Whoever found the most Hyraxes in the game, WINS!


A List of Available Hyrax Toys
My Favorite Hyrax Sticker